Kamis, 03 November 2016

Make Order Letter of a Product

Wahyu Puspa Andini
Lembah Griya Indah, Depok
Jawa Barat, 16437

November 3, 2016

Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X2/1, Plaza Great River,
Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12950

Subject : Placing Order for Womens Peep Toe Square Heel PU Princess Sandals with Rhinestone Silver  

Dear Mrs. Dewi,

Thank you for sending the information of codes and sizes that is available for Peep Toe Square Heel PU Princess Sandals with Rhinestone Silver and for your confirmation that it is possible to make purchases on delivery.

I am writing this letter to place an order for 1 pair of your Peep Toe Square Heel PU Princess Sandals with Rhinestone Silver. Kindly send the following item at the above address through delivery with proper cash bills.
Size: 24.5 cm = EURO 39 = US 7.0 = 9.65 inch
Color:White Silver Gold

The item should be in good condition and packed properly. Any damage to these item during delivery will be your responsibility. I am hoping to receive this order no later than November 6, 2016.  Please confirm that you received this order by calling me at 081903216-5570. Thank you for your time and prompt attention.

Sincerely yours,

Wahyu Puspa Andini

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