Kamis, 08 Desember 2016

Apa Yang Terjadi Pada Plastik di Lautan?

Kita semua pasti tahu jika plastik adalah bahan yang tak bisa diurai secara alami oleh bumi kita. Bukti nyatanya adalah kita sering mendapati plastik saat kita menggali tanah pekarangan. Lalu, bagaimana jika plastik – plastik ini berada di lautan?

The Great Pasific Garbage Patch adalah jawabnya. The Great Pasific Garbage Patch adalah kumpulan sampah – sampah plastik yang ada di lautan Pasifik. Sampah – sampah ini terkumpul dan membesar bersamaan dengan putaran arus laut yang ada di samudra Pasifik.

Besarnya sampah – sampah yang terkumpul di antara Jepang dan California ini diperkiraan mencapai 15 juta kilometer persegi. Gila! Indonesia saja luasnya hanya 1,9 juta kilometer persegi! Berarti pulau sampah ini kurang lebih sama dengan 7 kali luas Indonesia! Bayangkan betapa luasnya!

Hal yang perlu kita perhatikan adalah besaran sampah ini tidak berkurang, justru terus bertambah karena banyaknya orang yang membuang sampah di laut dan juga pengaruh arus laut di Samudra Pasifik yang terus menahannya.

Tak hanya dapat membentuk pulau, sampah – sampah ini juga berbahaya bagi kehidupan laut. Banyak penyu laut yang memakan sampah – sampah plastik ini karena mengira sampah ini adalah ubur – ubur yang merupakan makanan favoritnya. Hal yang berbahaya lagi apabila kita mendapati terdapat mamalia laut yang terjerat tali plastik. Kejadian – kejadian seperti ini tentu berbahaya bagi kehidupan flora maupun fauna yang terdapat di lautan.

Jadi mulai buang sampah pada tempatnya yuk! Ingat, hal – hal yang besar dimulai dari hal yang kecil, dimulai dari diri kita, dan dimulai dari sekarang!


Sebuah Alasan untuk Tidak Menangis karena Perpisahan

Masih ingat, ketika itu senja masih lugu, dan daun-daun yang gugur digembala angin muson, menuju musim penghujan–tempat petrichor dihujani pujian. Sore itu kita bertemu, dan dua cokelat panas membungkam suara kita. Atau sebenarnya, khawatirku yang tak mau bicara.

Aku tak bisa membedakan, karena yang kutahu, aku hanya ingin diam dan mencuri aroma tubuhmu tanpa jera, selagi bisa. Sebab memang, jika harus dipaksa bicara, hanya harapan yang akan tersampaikan, dan kutahu, itu tidak akan membuatmu nyaman. Sore kala itu cukup dingin, dan kain rajut hadiah dariku yang membalut tengkukmu, kuharap bisa menyampaikan hangat, yang mungkin tidak pernah sempat aku berikan. Karena bagaimana jika, sore ini adalah yang terakhir kalinya kita berjumpa? Sebisa mungkin, aku harus siap dengan kemungkinan itu, bukan?

Lalu perlahan, sang surya mati dengan jemawa, diselimuti pendar cahaya, di mata yang terlalu takut menunjukan yang sebenarnya. Senja pergi bersama kesedihan yang tertahan. "Tak boleh ada airmata untuk sebuah perpisahan", kata hatiku. Entah siapa yang pantas dikatakan pergi, kau yang akan menikah dengan seseorang yang kau pilih, atau aku yang tetap menjadi pecundang, bahkan sampai di kesempatan terakhir yang kumiliki. Tapi yang kutahu, cinta seharusnya membahagiakan, bukan? Maka kubiarkan kau bahagia dengan pilihanmu.

"Sampai kapan, kita akan diam begini?", katamu, membangkukan lamunanku. "Kau masih ingat awal perkenalan kita?", tanyaku, terkejut. "Iya, waktu itu aku masih siswa baru, dan tersesat di koridor sekolah hahaha!", kau tertawa. "Lalu kamu datang dengan sikapmu yang dingin, menarik tanganku, dan membawaku ke dalam kelas. Waktu itu kamu ketua kelas, kan?", lanjutmu. Aku hanya bisa tersenyum. Lalu kau terdiam, menatap bias lampu jalan lewat jendela.

"Aku rindu situasi kala itu", katamu. "Aku juga rindu, setiap perbincangan kita di atap sekolah", sahutku. Seketika itu juga, kau menatap mataku dalam. Ada pertanyaan yang tak dapatku terka di kerut keningmu. Kita sama-sama diam. Lalu perlahan-lahan kau melepas gelang akar yang pernah kuberikan, dari lenganmu. "Ini aku kembalikan, maaf, kamu tidak berhasil membuat takdirmu sendiri". Katamu .

"Jaga dirimu baik-baik".

Sambil memakaikan gelang itu di lenganku. "Aku pamit". Beberapa tahun yang lalu, di sebuah atap gedung sekolah. Langit begitu cerah kala itu, dan mukaku semerah saga ketika memakaikan gelang akar yang kubuat, di lenganmu. "Aku akan membuat takdirku sendiri. Kelak, kita akan menikah, dan untuk sementara biarkan gelang ini mengikat nadimu, sampai kamu menjadi takdirku", aku tersenyum kala itu, dan meninggalkanmu di atap dengan sebuah tanda tanya.

Hari ini, aku berdiri tepat di hadapanmu. Gaun biru dan kulit putihmu, serupa langit dan awannya. Perlahan tapi pasti, hanya tinggal beberapa langkah lagi, kau akan pergi meninggalkanku dengan sebuah tanda tanya. "apa kau bahagia?". Senyummu merekah, seakan mengajakku untuk ikut bahagia.

Dan tanpa disadari, aku menyambut senyummu, tanpa resah. Nyatanya kau berhasil memberiku alasan, untuk tidak menangis karena perpisahan. Tepat seperti pertemuan terakhir kita, beberapa hari yang lalu. Ketika senja telah ranum, bersama dua cangkir cokelat panas, dan sedikit pandang yang berbalas, kau melepas gelang akar yang pernah kuberikan. "Ini aku kembalikan, maaf, kamu tidak berhasil membuat takdirmu sendiri".

Katamu. "Jaga dirimu baik-baik". Sambil memakaikan gelang itu di lenganku. "Aku pamit". "Baiklah, tapi berjanjilah kepadaku untuk terakhir kalinya, beri aku satu alasan untuk tidak menangis karena perpisahan". Aku menahan lenganmu yang hendak beranjak. Kau hanya tersenyum lirih, dan pergi. 

Dan senyummu hari ini, mungkin untuk terakhir kalinya. Tapi alasanmu tersenyum, akan menjadi alasanku untuk tidak menangis karena perpisahan.

"Terima kasih, telah menepati janji", kataku lirih, sebelum akhirnya aku pergi.



Raja ampat merupakan sekelompok pulau yang berlokasi di Provinsi Papua Barat. Keindahan Pulau ini menjadikan Raja Ampat sebagai salah satu ikon wisata bawah laut terpopuler di Indonesia. Terdapat satu hal yang menjadi ciri khas Raja Ampat yakni pemandangan bawah lautnya yang menakjubkan.

Memang, sejak dahulu kawasan pulau raja ampat papua selalu menjadi daya tarik tersendri bagi para wisatawan domestik maupun mancanegara. Kebanyakan dari mereka sengaja mengunjungi wisata ini untuk menilik keindahan biota dan terumbu karang bawah laut yang menakjubkan. Bahkan banyak pihak yang menyatakan Kepulauan Raja Ampat memiliki banyak keanekaragaman spesies terbanyak dari seluruh pulau-pulau di dunia. Beberapa spesies biota laut langka yang belum pernah Anda jumpai bahkan dapat Anda temui disini.

Aktifitas Menarik di Wisata Raja Ampat

Jika Anda berminat mengunjungi Raja Ampat Papua, terdapat beragam aktivitas yang dapat Anda lakukan disana mulai dari diving, snorkeling, memancing, berlayar, naik perahu hingga wisata kuliner. Cukup asyik bukan?. Hal pertama yang wajib dilakukan saat mengunjungi pulau raja ampat  adalah diving. Diving atau lebih dikenal dengan aktivitas menyelam tentu merupakan suatu aktivitas yang menantang dan menarik, apalagi jika ditemani oleh ikan pari, penyu dan juga terumbu karang warna-warni. Tentu hal ini akan menjadi pengalaman menyelam yang tak biasa. Terdapat sedikitnya 537 spesies koral dan juga 699 hewan tak bertulang belakang yang dapat Anda jumpai disini. Sementara untuk masalah keamanan, Anda tak perlu canggung sebab aktivitas diving Anda akan ditemani oleh ahlinya dan tentunya dengan peralatan menyelam yang sangat memadai sehingga keselamatan dan keamanannya terjamin.

Wisata Raja Ampat merupakan salah satu tujuan wisata Indonesia yang patut dibanggakan, sebab tak hanya wisatawan domestik saja yang tertarik menyambanginya, namun wisatawan mancanegara atau yang lebih dikenal dengan ‘turis’ juga berbondong-bondong mengunjunginya. Ada yang berniat mengunjungi Wisata di Raja Ampat hanya sekedar untuk merefreshkan diri (rekreasi) namun ada juga mengunjunginya dengan alasan edukasi. Beberapa pakar Sains dari luar negeri bahkan ikut terjun langsung dalam penyelaman tersebut. Mereka sengaja melakukan ini untuk keperluan pengembangan sains dan observasi tingkat lanjut.

Tak hanya pemandangan bawah lautnya saja yang menakjubkan, raja ampat papua juga memiliki daya tarik lain yang tak kalah istimewa. Beberapa elemen juga memiliki andil yang besar dalam menyusun keindahan wisata ini diantaranya hutan yang lebat, gugusan batu kapur berwarna-warni, spesies tumbuhan langka dan juga sarang penyu di tepi pantai. Selain itu, Anda juga berkesempatan menikmati sajian kuliner khas Raja Ampat yang disuguhkan melalui restoran-restoran elit tepi pantai. Tentu suasana berbeda akan tergambar saat Anda menyantap hidangan sea food ditemani deburan ombak dan kura-kura yang menyapa.


One of the best feelings in the world is the deep-rooted belly laugh. It can bring people together and establish amazing connections. Everything from a slight giggle to a side-splitting guffaw can change the temperature of a room from chilly unfamiliarity to a warm family-like atmosphere.
There is already so much to love for laughter that it seems greedy to look for more, but that’s exactly what researchers Dr. Lee Berk and Dr. Stanley Tan at the Loma Linda University in California have done. These two doctors have researched the benefits of laughter and found amazing results. Get ready to get your giggle on!

People who lower their blood pressure, even those who start at normal levels, will reduce their risk of stroke and heart attack. So grab the Sunday paper, flip to the funny pages, and enjoy your laughter medicine.

By reducing the level of stress hormones, you’re simultaneously cutting the anxiety and stress that impacts your body. Additionally, the reduction of stress hormones may result in higher immune system performance. Just think: Laughing along as a co-worker tells a funny joke can relieve some of the day’s stress and help you reap the health benefits of laughter.

One of the benefits of laughter is that it can help you tone your abs. When you are laughing, the muscles in your stomach expand and contract, similar to when you intentionally exercise your abs. Meanwhile, the muscles you are not using to laugh are getting an opportunity to relax. Add laughter to your ab routine and make getting a toned tummy more enjoyable.

Laughter is a great cardio workout, especially for those who are incapable of doing other physical activity due to injury or illness. It gets your heart pumping and burns a similar amount of calories per hour as walking at a slow to moderate pace. So, laugh your heart into health.

T-cells are specialized immune system cells just waiting in your body for activation. When you laugh, you activate T-cells that immediately begin to help you fight off sickness. Next time you feel a cold coming on, add chuckling to your illness prevention plan.

Endorphins are the body’s natural painkillers. By laughing, you can release endorphins, which can help ease chronic pain and make you feel good all over.

Laughter can increase your overall sense of well-being. Doctors have found that people who have a positive outlook on life tend to fight diseases better than people who tend to be more negative. So smile, laugh, and live longer!


Olahraga Itu Menyehatkan

Olahraga merupakan suatu kegiatan yang sangat penting bagi tubuh jasmani kita, ada bermacam-macam jenis kegiatan olahraga dari yang ringan hingga yang berat, jika dilakukan dengan rutin dan dengan cara yang benar maka olahraga tersebut  sangat bagus untuk kesehatan tubuh kita dan tubuh menjadi bugar, manfaat lain dari olahraga juga membuat tubuh kita terhindar dari berbagai macam penyakit, serta kotoran yang tidak berguna bagi tubuh ikut terbuang dengan keluarnya keringat dari dalam tubuh.

Banyak dari kita yang terlalu malas untuk berolahraga dikarenakan kesibukan di kantor atau sekolah, atau mungkin juga terlalu banyak kegiatan sehingga tidak ada waktu lagi untuk berolahraga, mungkin banyak juga  dari kita yang dalam sebulan atau setahun hanya sekali saja melakukan olahraga atau bisa juga gak pernah sama sekali berolahraga.

Mungkin anda berpikir, ah dari dulu aku gak pernah olahraga aja gak pernah kenapa-kenapa. memang sih sekarang mungkin belum terjadi apa-apa, tapi alangkah lebih baik menjaga daripada terlambat iya kan?

Ada beberapa hal yang cukup penting bagi anda saat berencana untuk memulai berolahraga:

  • Jika anda hendak mulai melakukan olahraga, lakukanlah saat kondisi tubuh anda sedang fit, hentikan kegiatan olahraga anda jika terjadi hal-hal yang tidak wajar, misalnya pusing, mual ataupun sakit terkilir.
  • Lakukan disiplin waktu untuk berolahraga, atur waktu yang tepat disela-sela waktu anda yang sibuk.
  • Lakukanlah kegiatan berolahraga dengan santai dan bukan menjadi beban, bila perlu ajak teman atau pasangan anda atau mungkin keluarga anda sehingga suasana akan lebih santai dan menyenangkan.
  • Makanlah dengan makanan yang sehat dan bergizi, perbanyak makan sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan hindari makanan yang terlalu berlemak.
  • Hindari merokok atau minuman beralkohol, jika anda perokok berat dan anda tidak bisa melepaskannya anda bisa mengurangi dari kebiasaan harian anda.
  • Bila perlu konsumsi juga multi vitamin yang banyak dijual di toko kesehatan, sehingga keperluan vitamin dan mineral bagi tubuh anda tercukupi setiap harinya.
  • Minum air putih 2 liter setiap hari dan bisa juga diselingi dengan juice buah sesuai selera anda.
  • Minumlah susu setiap hari karena susu sangat baik bagi tubuh kita, apalagi untuk anak yang dalam masa pertumbuhan sangat disarankan untuk selalu mengkonsumsi susu.
  • Konsumsi madu setiap hari yang berguna meningkatkan stamina tubuh anda.
  • Pilihlah olahraga yang cocok dengan anda, yang membuat anda senang melakukannya, atau olahraga sederhana misalnya lari  atau bersepeda.
  • Gunakanlah pakaian, sepatu atau perlengkapan lainnya yang pas dengan olahraga yang anda lakukan, usahakan untuk mengenakan pakaian atau sepatu yang benar-benar nyaman digunakan dan tidak menggangu dalam melakukan aktifitas berolahraga anda. 
  • Untuk anda yang memilih olahraga seperti lari atau bersepeda carilah lokasi khusus untuk anda berolahraga yang segar dan sehat, dan juga pilih jalur atau area yang aman dari kendaraan bermotor sehingga anda leluasa dalam berolahraga.
  • Sebelum anda memulai berolahraga lakukan pemanasan dulu atau senam ringan supaya otot-otot tubuh anda tidak kaget.
  • Lakukanlah pola hidup sehat, hindari stres maka tubuh anda akan terhindar dari berbagai macam penyakit. 

Application Letter + CV

Jakarta, December 08th 2016
Subject : Job Application

HRD Manager
PT. Bank DKI
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda III No. 7 – 9, Jakarta Pusat, 10120, Indonesia 

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have read from your advertisement at KOMPAS December 09st 2018 that your company is looking for employees to hold some position. Based on the advertisement, I am interested to joint and to contribute with your respected company.

My name is Wahyu Puspa Andini, I am twenty two years old, single and in good health condition, I am a fresh graduated from Accounting Professional Program Faculty of Economic Gunadarma University on October this year. I consider myself that I have qualifications as you want. I have good motivation for progress and growing, eager to learn, and can work with a team or by myself. Beside that I posses adequate computer skill and have good command in English both spoken and written.

I enclose my curriculum vittae for your inspection and look forward to hearing from you soon. I am available for interview at your convenience and I hope I could be the part of your company.


Wahyu Puspa Andini

Curriculum Vitae

I. Personal Details

Name : Wahyu Puspa Andini
Address : Perum. Lembah Griya Indah, blok f9 no 04, Citayam.
Phone Number : 0819-0928-222
Place & Date of Birth : Depok, December 14 1996
Gender : Female
Marital Status : Single
Religion : Islam
Nationality : Indonesia

II. Education Details
Formal Education
1. 2002 – 2008 SDS Pelita Atsiri Permai, Bogor
2. 2008 – 2011 SMP PGRI 1 Depok
3. 2011 – 2014 SMA Sejahtera 1 Depok
4. 2014 – 2018 Accounting Degree Gunadarma University

III. Educational Non Formal Background

2016 : Workshop Securities Tecnical Analysis in Gunadarma University

IV. Computer Skills
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, Accounting Programmer : Myob and Zahir.

Good attitude, kind, communicative, diligent, tolerant, target oriented, discipline, honest, and be responsible.

Jakarta, December 08th 2016

Wahyu Puspa Andini

Music and Mood

Music and Mood

Music’s beneficial effects on mental health have been known for thousands of years. Ancient philosophers from Plato to Confucius and the kings of Israel sang the praises of music and used it to help soothe stress. Military bands use music to build confidence and courage. Sporting events provide music to rouse enthusiasm. Schoolchildren use music to memorize their ABCs. Shopping malls play music to entice consumers and keep them in the store. Dentists play music to help calm nervous patients. Modern research supports conventional wisdom that music benefits mood and confidence.
Because of our unique experiences, we develop different musical tastes and preferences. Despite these differences, there are some common responses to music. Babies love lullabies. Maternal singing is particularly soothing, regardless of a mom’s formal musical talents or training. Certain kinds of music make almost everyone feel worse, even when someone says she enjoys it; in a study of 144 adults and teenagers who listened to 4 different kinds of music, grunge music led to significant increases in hostility, sadness, tension, and fatigue across the entire group, even in the teenagers who said they liked it. In another study, college students reported that pop, rock, oldies, and classical music helped them feel happier and more optimistic, friendly, relaxed, and calm.

Music, Attention, and Learning

Everyone who has learned their ABCs knows that it is easier to memorize a list if it is set to music. Scientific research supports common experience that pairing music with rhythm and pitch enhances learning and recall. Music helps children and adolescents with attention problems in several ways. First, it can be used as a reward for desired behavior. For example, for paying attention to homework for 10 minutes, a child can be rewarded with the opportunity to listen to music for 5 minutes. Second, it can be used to help enhance attention to “boring” academic tasks such as memorization, using songs, rhythms, and dance or movement to enhance the interest of the lists to be memorized. Instrumental baroque music is great for improving attention and reasoning. For students, playing background music is not distracting. Third, musical cues can be used to help organize activities – one kind of music for one activity (studying), another for a different activity (eating), and a third kind for heading to bed. Fourth, studies show that calming music can promote pro-social behavior and decrease impulsive behavior.

Music and Anxiety

Many people find familiar music comforting and calming. In fact, music is so effective in reducing anxiety, it is often used in dental, preoperative, and radiation therapy settings to help patients cope with their worries about procedures. Music helps decrease anxiety in the elderly, new mothers, and children too. Music’s ability to banish worries is illustrated in the Rogers and Hammerstein lyrics,

“Whenever I feel afraid, I hold my head erect
And whistle a happy tune, so no one will suspect I’m afraid…
And every single time,
the happiness in the tune convinces me that I’m not afraid.”

Any kind of relaxing, calming music can contribute to calmer moods. Calming music can be combined with cognitive therapy to lower anxiety even more effectively than conventional therapy alone.
Some studies suggest that specially designed music, such as music that includes tones that intentionally induce binaural beats to put brain waves into relaxed delta or theta rhythms, can help improve symptoms in anxious patients even more than music without these tones; listening to this music without other distractions (not while driving, cooking, talking, or reading) promotes the best benefits.

Music and Moods

An analysis of 5 studies on music for depression concluded that music therapy is not only acceptable for depressed patients, but it actually helps improve their moods. Music has proven useful in helping patients with serious medical illnesses such as cancer, burns, and multiple sclerosis who are also depressed. If it can help in these situations, it may be able to help you and your loved ones experience more positive moods.
Music and Sleep
Many people listen to soothing music to help them fall asleep. This practice is supported by studies in a variety of settings. Just don’t try listening to lively dance music or rousing marches before you aim to fall asleep. Conversely, if you’re trying to wake up in the morning, go for the fast-tempo music rather than lullabies.

Music and Stress

Since ancient times, it has been known that certain kinds of music can help soothe away stress. Calming background music can significantly decrease irritability and promote calm in elderly nursing home patients with dementia. Music, widely chosen, lowers stress hormone levels. On the other hand, every parent of a teenager knows that certain kinds of music, particularly at high volumes, can induce stress. Knowing that certain kinds of music can alleviate stress is one thing; being mindful in choosing what kind of music to listen to is another. Choose your musical intake as carefully as you choose your food and friends.


Besarkah Galaksi Bimasakti?

Bimasakti adalah galaksi rumah kita, tempat di mana Bumi berada. Tata Surya kita tidak berada di dekat pusat galaksi Bimasakti, melainkan kira-kira 25.749.504.000.000.000 km dari pusat galaksi. Hal ini saja menunjukkan betapa besarnya galaksi kita. Tapi, seberapa besar tepatnya, dan bagaimana cara mengukurnya?

Saat ini diketahui, diameter galaksi Bimasakti adalah sekitar 100.000 tahun cahaya, di mana 1 tahun cahaya setara dengan jarak 9,4 triliun kilometer. Sehingga diameter Bimasakti diperkirakan adalah sekitar 9,5 x 10^17 kilometer. Sementara itu, ketebalan galaksi kita tergantung pada seberapa dekat kita dengan pusat galaksi, rata-ratanya adalah puluhan ribu tahun cahaya.

Diperkirakan ada sekitar 200-400 miliar bintang di galaksi Bimasakti, di mana Matahari kita hanyalah satu di antara ratusan miliar bintang tersebut. Jelas sampai di sini, Bumi tidak terlalu istimewa posisinya di alam semesta, karena Bumi juga hanya satu dari triliunan planet di galaksi Bimasakti (jika diasumsikan tiap bintang di Bimasakti diorbiti oleh planet).

Dengan asumsi bahwa rata-rata massa bintang di galaksi Bimasakti adalah sebesar massa Matahari, maka massa galaksi Bimasakti dapat mencapai 2 x 10^11 kali massa Matahari (di mana massa Matahari adalah 2 x 10^30 kg).

Galaksi Bimasakti juga bukan satu-satunya galaksi di alam semesta, melainkan adalah bagian dari kelompok galaksi yang dikenal sebagai gugus galaksi Grup Lokal. Ada beberapa galaksi lain yang dapat kita lihat di langit malam yang juga bagian dari Grup Lokal seperti M31 atau galaksi Andromeda dan M33 (galaksi Triangulum). Setidaknya, ada 30 galaksi dalam Grup Lokal.

Seperti Apa Bentuk Galaksi Bimasakti?
Karena kita berada di galaksi Bimasakti, tepatnya berada di salah satu lengan spiralnya, Bimasakti hanya muncul sebagai jalur bintang (atau pita putih samar) di langit Bumi seperti pada foto di atas. Namun, menurut penelitian para astronom, Bimasakti diketahui merupakan jenis galaksi spiral.

Dikutip dari DuniaAstronomi.com, bentuk galaksi Bimasakti seperti dua buah piring cekung yang ditangkupkan, bagian tengahnya tebal dan semakin pipih ke arah tepi, dan terdapat lengan-lengan spiral di dalamnya.

Oleh karena itu galaksi kita digolongkan ke dalam galaksi spiral. Berdasarkan klasifikasi galaksi Hubble, galaksi Bimasakti termasuk dalam kelas SBbc. Artinya, Galaksi kita adalah galaksi spiral yang memiliki “bar” atau palang di bagian pusatnya, dengan kecerlangan bagian pusat yang relatif sama dengan bagian piringan, dan memiliki struktur lengan spiral yang agak renggang di bagian piringannya.

Tapi, bagaimana kita bisa tahu bentuk galaksi kita sendiri sementara kita berada di dalamnya? Caranya adalah dengan perhitungan jarak yang akurat terhadap semua komponen penyusun galaksi Bimasakti yang dapat kita amati, yaitu bintang-bintang dan bermacam gas dan debu. Dengan mengetahui jaraknya, kita dapat membuat semacam denah galaksi kita sendiri.

Kalau dianalogikan, anggaplah kita berada di sebuah lapangan luas dengan banyak manusia yang tersebar secara acak. Apabila kita punya pengetahuan tentang jarak kita ke setiap orang itu, kita akan dapat membuat plot jarak secara radial. Hasilnya adalah peta sebaran orang-orang tersebut. Karena itulah, kita tidak perlu pergi keluar galaksi kita untuk melihat bentuknya.

Dari situlah para astronom dapat mengestimasi berapa diameter galaksi kita, serta juga menghitung ketebalan, hingga massanya.


Bali's Sindhu Market most 'trending' attraction in Southeast Asia

Bali's Sindhu Market in Sanur ranked first on a list of top trending attraction in Southeast Asia announced by travel website TripAdvisor on Monday.

The list was created based on the Attraction Trend Index that is determined by the increase in travelers' interest of each destination between September and October. The Sindhu Market placed first with a traffic increase of 242 percent, followed by the Nacpan Beach in El Nido, the Philippines, in second with 218 percent.
TripAdvisor Asia Pacific communications director Janice Lee Fang notes that the index “reveals the diverse mix of sites and activities in Southeast Asia” that are growing with more travelers moving around the region.
Below are the top 10 trending attractions in Southeast Asia according to TripAdvisor: 

1. Sindhu Market, Bali, Indonesia - 242 percent
Tourists can join a sunrise cycling tour in Sanur for S$76 (US$54) per person and shop in the Sindhu Market selling local delights, fresh produce and souvenirs. 

2. Nacpan Beach, El Nido, Philippines - 218 percent
As the 2nd best beach on this year’s Traveler’s Choice awards by TripAdvisor, the Nacpan Beach strikes as a more “tourist-less” beach as it more suitable for those who seek tranquility and isolation. 

3. Nguyen Hue Street, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - 181 percent
Only open during nighttime, Ngyuyen Hue Street is accessible solely for pedestrians, in which tourists can join a walking street food tour with a local guide to enjoy a showcase of parades, music, dance and culinary. 

4. Pinto Art Museum, Antipolo City, Philippines - 149 percent
TripAdvisor users have named this museum “instagram-worthy” due to its complex of six great storytelling gallery spaces that houses a charming collection of local contemporary art by renowned Filipino artists. 

5. Nong Nooch Tropical Botanical Garden, Pattaya, Thailand - 147 percent
With over 20 themed gardens, the Nong Nooch Beach is best to be enjoyed through a tour of the gardens followed by a local lunch and a traditional Thai cultural show for S$55 per person.

6. Bua Thong Waterfalls or Nam Phu Chet Si, Chiang Mai, Thailand - 137 percent
Adventure seekers can zip-line over five kilometers through the rainforest, three sky bridges and two rappel descents whilst admiring the beauty of the Bua Thong Waterfalls as well as the aerial view of the forest around, all at S$165 per person.

7. Gili Meno Beach, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia - 136 percent
Travelers who seek a fun honeymoon experience can look into this beach, as snorkelling tours of the Gili Meno and its two neighboring islands can be booked for S$110 per person. 

8. Cartoon Network Amazone, Jomtien Beach, Thailand - 121 percent
Families will be in content after visiting the world’s first Cartoon Network-themed water park in Jomtien Beach Thailand as it offers 10 entertainment zones, over 30 water rides and the world’s largest aqua play land. Tickets are sold at S$52 for Thais and S$64 for tourists, all for a day. 

9. Monkey Hill, Phuket Town, Thailand - 117 percent
Visitors to Monkey Hill, who will be accompanied by macaques when climbing up the Phuket’s highest peak, would be left astounded when seeing bird’s eye view of the town from the summit. The whole experience of exploring Phuket town can be rounded off with a city tour at S$12 per person. 

10. Krabi Weekend Night Market, Krabi Town, Thailand - 116 percent
Offering a range of Thai curries, snacks, and even souvenirs, the Krabi Night Market also provides sunset island tour through the “Phallus Shrine Crave” and underwater reefs that costs S$47 per person. 


Kamis, 01 Desember 2016

Adjustment Letter

Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X2/1, Plaza Great River,
Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12950

November 22, 2016

Dear Ms. Wahyu Puspa,
Thank you for taking the time to communicate to us why our product did not meet your expectations. We have every desire to address your needs and provide the best solution available to resolve your assue as soon as possible.
We will be contact with you in the coming days to make our best attempt in regaining your confidence in our company. In addition, we will further evaluate how we can prevent this problem from occurring again in the future.
Please accept our sincerest apology for any trouble or inconvenience we have caused you. Again, we highly appreciate your feedback as it will assist us in becoming better at what we do. As with any business like ours, the greatest advertising we can have is word of mouth from satisfied customer. It is our goal to retain you as satisfied customer and will hope to serve you again in the future.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs. Dewi,


Kamis, 24 November 2016

Complaint Letter

Wahyu Puspa Andini
Lembah Griya Indah, Depok
Jawa Barat, 16437

November 19, 2016

Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X2/1, Plaza Great River,
Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12950

Dear Mrs. Dewi,
I am writing in to inform you about my experience with Womens Peep Toe Square Heel PU Princess Sandals with Rhinestone Silver.
I bought a new Merce - Womens Peep Toe Square Heel PU Princess Sandals with Rhinestone Silver on November 3, 2016. I am dissatisfied your product because I discovered there is scratch on heels. I have attached a photocopy of my receipt as proof of purchase.

Have others customers also complained about this to you?
I heard that your company is known for best quality products and great customer service. So, I believe that you will solve my problem as soon as possible.

The condition of the item was your responsibility up to the point I received it and accordingly, I am entitled to a refund a long with a refund of all delivery costs. I would request that confirm in the next 3 days that you will provide this remedy and that you will cover the cost of the defective item being returned to you.
Please respond and tell me that how you offer to solve this problem as soon as possible.
Look forward to hear from you.

Yours faithfully,

Wahyu Puspa Andini

References :

Kamis, 03 November 2016

Make Order Letter of a Product

Wahyu Puspa Andini
Lembah Griya Indah, Depok
Jawa Barat, 16437

November 3, 2016

Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X2/1, Plaza Great River,
Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12950

Subject : Placing Order for Womens Peep Toe Square Heel PU Princess Sandals with Rhinestone Silver  

Dear Mrs. Dewi,

Thank you for sending the information of codes and sizes that is available for Peep Toe Square Heel PU Princess Sandals with Rhinestone Silver and for your confirmation that it is possible to make purchases on delivery.

I am writing this letter to place an order for 1 pair of your Peep Toe Square Heel PU Princess Sandals with Rhinestone Silver. Kindly send the following item at the above address through delivery with proper cash bills.
Size: 24.5 cm = EURO 39 = US 7.0 = 9.65 inch
Color:White Silver Gold

The item should be in good condition and packed properly. Any damage to these item during delivery will be your responsibility. I am hoping to receive this order no later than November 6, 2016.  Please confirm that you received this order by calling me at 081903216-5570. Thank you for your time and prompt attention.

Sincerely yours,

Wahyu Puspa Andini

Make Inquiry Letter of a Product

Wahyu Puspa Andini
Lembah Griya Indah, Depok
Jawa Barat, 16437

November 01, 2016

Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X2/1, Plaza Great River,
Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12950

To Whom It May Concern :

Subject : Request Information of a Product

I am very interested in your Womens Peep Toe Square Heel PU Princess Sandals with Rhinestone Silver
. Could you please send me the product code and the list of available colors and sizes?

With reference to your advertisement in Lazada.co.id, I would also like to order this product for an upcoming event and if it is possible to make purchases on delivery.

I appreciate that this is an unusual request, but I would be very grateful for any help you could provide. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

Wahyu Puspa Andini


Kamis, 27 Oktober 2016

Inquiry Letter and Order Letter

Inquiry Letter

           Inquiry Letter is a letter written to request information and/or ascertain its authenticity. A letter of inquiry deals with various matters like job vacancies, funding, grants, scholarships, projects, sales, pre-proposals and others. The term is common in various business setups as it implies fund request or pre-proposal information. Owing to this usage, the term may be considered exclusive to these setups alone. But that is not the case, to this effect the below definition offers a justified meaning.

Inquiry Letter Definition

       A document requesting information sent on behalf of an individual or an organisation for their own respective purposes, which can be mutually beneficial to the recipient and the sender.
The term ‘Inquiry’ is same as ‘Enquiry’. The former is more commonly used in U.S. and the latter one is more common in U.K. There are some other terms which represent the letters; these are Letter of Intent,Letter of Interest, Query letter, Prospecting Letter, Pre-proposal Letter and Concept Paper. The term ‘Cover Letter’, ‘Business Letter’, ‘Request Letter’ and ‘Sales Letter’ is also applied to an inquiry letter especially when the objective is same as that of letter for inquiry.

       A letter of inquiry serves to facilitate business operations and satisfaction of the sender. Inquiry letters remove any misunderstanding and are time savers, especially when two parties want to reach an understanding. The communication towards this effect resolves the issue without any delay. With relation to it being a ‘Pre-proposal letter’, the inquiry letter is also termed as a ‘Condensed Version of a Proposal’. It is the outcome of the purpose of the letter which highlights the points of a proposal instead of a full-fledged proposal.

       On an individual’s basis, these letters are sent to companies that are willing to hire but haven't advertised job openings. It can also be a letter addressed to editor in-charge of a publication proposing certain literary work. It can be a letter from a student who is vying for a seat in a college or a business that provides an internship. So, the objective of an enquiry letter is same but its projections and audiences are different. Same goes for its method of delivery, it can be sent via paper mail or electronic mail.

Example Of Inquiry Letter

Street address
City, State ZIP code
Phone number


Individual's name
Job title
Name of organization
Street address
City, State ZIP code

Dear Mr./Ms. ________________________________:

I am writing to ask you to consider an addition to your marketing team. Your organization has been in the news as a leader in the industry. I am an innovator of new ideas, an excellent communicator with buyers, and have a demonstrated history of marketing success. I believe I would be a good fit in your organization.

Currently, I market computer products for a major supplier using television, radio and news advertising. I have a reputation for seeing every project through to success.

Enclosed is my resume for your review and consideration. EFTG Industries has a reputation for excellence. I would like to use my talents to market your quality line of technical products. I will call you to further discuss your needs and how I could benefit your company. If you prefer, you may reach me in the evenings at (555) 555-5555.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to meeting you.


(Your Signature in blue or black ink)
Your typed name


Order Letter

      a letter of order is a document that confirms the details of a purchase of goods or services from one party to another. It usually includes more information about what you are ordering, like quantity, model number, or color, the payment terms, and the matter in which the products are to be shipped. When the recipient receives this letter, they will process the order and send the merchandise. 

Order Letter Definition

       An “Order” is an expense for the person placing the order and an income for the one getting it. But this is not all. The company that bags the order has to fulfill lot of commitments to ensure that it has a satisfied customer, which can be an individual or another company. Timely delivery of the order, quality of delivery and after sale service – are all part and parcel of getting an order.

      An Order Letter is the one that is written by the person/company placing the request of purchase from another company. This letter comes into action only when a detailed study of the desired product has been done in the market and based on promised service, quality and price of the product, a decision for a purchase has been made.

     An Order Letter should be drafted very carefully as it needs to pen down all the terms and conditions of the purchase for the benefit of both involved parties. It should have details such as product specifications, quantities, price agreed upon, delivery date, late delivery clauses, etc. It should be addressed to the person responsible for the execution of the order with a copy to the head of department. Since it is totally an official letter it should be typed.
Order Letter Sample

154 Green Avenue
New York, USA
January 5, 2010

Ms. K. Hutchinson
Beller Company, Inc.
424 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10021

Dear Ms. Hutchinson :

Thank you for sending your catalog so promptly. It arrived within a few days of my request. Please send me the following items by parcel post :

1 copy Emmet and Mullen,
High School Algebra @ $7.50 $ 7.50
25 copies Pinehurst,
Plane Geometry @ $8.75 $ 218.75
Total $ 226.25
I am enclosing a money order for 226.25. If there are additional charges, please let me know.
Please mail the books to the address given above.

Very truly yours,

Brandon Michael


Rabu, 12 Oktober 2016



Kepada Yth. Dekan
Fakultas Ekonomi
Universitas Gunadarma

Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini, saya
Nama                                       :……………………………………...
NPM/ Angkatan tahun            :…………………../…………………
Semester                                  :………………………………………
Jumlah sks/IPK                       :………………………………………
Fakultas                                   :………………………………………
Jurusan/Prodi/Jenjang/Jalur     :…………………/..…………………
Sudah/belum pernah cuti *)    :……………………………………….
Alamat/No, Telp/HP               :…………………/..………………….

Mengajukan permohonan penghentian studi sementara (cuti akademik).
Pada semester/Th. Akademik :…………………/…………….
Alasan Cuti Akademik           :……………….……………….

Sebagai bahan pertimbangan bersama ini kami lampirkan :
          1.      Bukti Pembayaran SPP terakhir
          2.      Transkrip Akademik
          3.      KTM yang masih berlaku
          4.      Surat keterangan lain yang relevan (Surat keterangan Sakit, Surat Keterangan bekerja.dll)

Atas perhatian Saudara kami-ucapkan terima kasih.
Mengetahui/Menyetujui Depok, 14 Oktober 2016

Ketua Jurusan / Prodi                                                                           Hormat saya,

(...........................)                                                                              (.........................)

Tembusan: Yth. 
1. ketua program pascasarjana FE-UG
2. pengelola S1 Akuntansi

Surat Pengajuan Cuti Akademik
Pengisian mohon diketik dan dibuat rangkap 2 (dua).